Guest Ready
The condition in which your property is presented to guests is vital in acquiring happy guests, great reviews and return stays.
Must haves
Air conditioning and heating
Good quality linen
Key safe or digital door lock
Clean windows and screens
Removal of all dust paying particular attention to the top of and behind appliances, blinds and window furnishings and under beds and furniture.
Removal of cobwebs, inside and out.
Gardens and lawns are kept well maintained
Personal property removed or placed in a lockable cupboard
Smoke alarms must have batteries changed annually and gas heaters must be checked for CO emissions.
Pools and spas must have fencing and gates installed which meet statutory safety regulations.
Decks, balconies, staircases and balustrading must meet building codes.
Doors and windows require appropriate locks
Not sure where to start?
Call us, we're happy to provide advice and facilitate trades to have your property in perfect order to welcome your first guests!